/ 11 June 2014 / Leave a comment

Top, h&m // Skirt, h&m, £4 // Jacket, New Look, £15 // Palm shoes, h&m, £12 // Sunglasses, New Look, £5 // Necklace, h&m, £1.50
Look at these shoes! Look at them! Aren't they just...perfect?
To let you on a little secret, I've been on a shopping ban for a few weeks - I'm trying to save up some pocket money for my holiday next month. But then I have some time to kill in the centre and popped into h&m. I found these shoes hidden at the very far end of the store, on the bottom rack. I fell in love.
I tried them on and did a little dance of joy. They rub a little bit at the back, but nothing a plaster won't resolve {and I'm hoping it's just a breaking-in-temporary-issue}. I sat on h&m's shop chair for about ten minutes trying to convince myself not to buy them. Mission unsuccessful. But I think it's okay. The sight of them in the hallway makes me happy. Wearing them makes me happy.
I know I shouldn't give in to feelings over unimportant material stuff, but I do. £12 for happiness? I've done worse.
I found the basic h&m top in my chest of drawers and the colour is pretty similar to the shoes. If I had a white skirt, I'd probably go for an all white outfit. {item 142: white skirt, she writes on her three feet long wish list. Oh and, 143, green skirt, in the shade of the palm trees}.
On another note, I'm off to London for a few days this Friday. I'm reeeeally looking forward to it, I'm seeing friends and picnicking in various parks. It's meant to be 28 degrees. Yay! Packing all my shorts!
Have you got anything in your closet that makes you feel amazing when you wear it? {If not, the palm tree shoes are still in stock ;-) }
x-x-x-x Kat x-x-x-x
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