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/ 20 August 2014 / Leave a comment



Aaand after a few week long supposed hiatus I'm back with another instalment of Venice pictures! I've been busying myself with a photography workshop and my cousin's wedding and am only posting this in the midst of a packing frenzy - soon I'm leaving for Croatia to enjoy a few days in the sun and by the sea. And to fulfil my summer reading list which I've barely touched - a lot can be caught up on in 8 or so days.
But back to Venice, this post is full of gondolas, understandably. We've not actually gone on one {it costs a fortune} but we did see them everywhere. Gondolas and boats. I still find it amusing there is a boat equivalent to everything. Boat taxi, boat bus, boat fire brigade, boat police. Even boat rubbish collectors! It's a different world; there are no buses through the centre and, if you don't own a floating vessel of some sort, all you can really do is walk. And almost always you will end up finding new alleyways and streets, because you take the wrong different route to what you had taken the day before.
The last photo was taken in Murano, which we were only driven through before getting back to Venice from the mainland (and a swimming trip). Don't the men look like they've been photoshopped into the picture? Sort of like 2D paper dummies. Well, they're not.
Hope y'all are having a lovely summer, posting for the rest of August may be somewhat scattered, but I have lots planned for you in the fall!

x-x-x-x Kat  x-x-x-x

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Hi, I'm Kat! A colourful wardrobe advocate and a capsule wardrobe graduate. Need any help finding your personal style and curating your closet? Advice on how to make most of the clothes you have? Or how to pack for an upcoming trip? I'm your girl!


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