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/ 17 May 2012 / Leave a comment

Lisbon delicacies

Hey guys, one more update from Lisbon. We stopped to have lunch, I was persuaded by comments like: You're only here once and so I decided to treat myself to a real restaurant meal. As it was my Birthday week and all. After I was looking over the menu for about 10 minutes, which was the longest of us three, (to be fair I'm always the one that takes the most time before ordering food) and finally decided to go for something I have never had before. Mr. Octopus. Yes, I had octopus. After the initial ugh, am I really to eat this thing, I overcame myself and tried the first tentacle (I despise the word tentacle, it somehow reminds me of testicle) and despite this it was actually tasty! So yeah, my first encounter with Mr. Octopus.

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